Lead Consciously
& Courageously

Build your leadership skills around the kind of traits that are uniquely and deeply human.

“In the past jobs were about muscles, now they're about brains, but in the future they'll be about the heart.”

– Minouche Shafik, Director of the London School of Economics

How much longer are you willing to play the performing-pretending-pleasing-perfecting-proving game

While the alliteration may be great, the amount of energy it takes to play the “5Ps” game is also great - translation: exhausting! And it’s the game we play when we protect our hearts and forget what it means (or even what it’s like) to be human, especially in the workplace.

Perhaps you’re here because you’re ready to stop playing games (the 5Ps variety, anyway), and to start embracing the once-in-all-history-creation that is you, and to share THAT version of yourself in the workplace, if not with the world. 


Un-shielding your heart not only yields results (both tangible and intangible) that you never imagined possible – for you, your team, your organization; it allows you to engage in a fuller expression of your humanity. Doing so as a leader sends a strong signal that it’s ok, if not (strongly) encouraged, for others to be human too.



♥ No longer thinking that asking for help equals weakness

♥ No longer avoiding conflict and uncomfortable conversations

♥ No longer trying to look, work, and deliver perfectly to protect against criticism and judgment

♥ No longer flaunting exhaustion as a status symbol

♥ No longer pretending that effective leadership doesn’t require care and concern for others

♥ No longer hustling for your worth

♥ No longer allowing past disappointments or negative experiences to define you


Coaching with Cindy

Through individual and group coaching, you’ll discover ways to find and unleash your voice and also learn how to lead consciously & courageously. You’ll arrive at a place where you give expression, confidently and powerfully, to the real YOU.

Energy Leadership Index

The Energy Leadership Index (ELI) is a unique assessment for gaining invaluable insights into what’s holding you back – specifically highlighting how to break free, move forward, and live a life of your greatest imagining.

Dare to Lead

In this 6-week training, I’ll guide you on a powerful discovery to become a braver leader as you learn the four empirically based skill sets of courageous leadership, all of which are teachable, measurable, and observable. Brené Brown Certified Facilitator.

Your Head. Your Heart. Your Leadership. Let’s integrate these pieces of you.

I’m not suggesting we check our intellect at the door – no way, no how. I’m merely saying that if we want the best for and from ourselves, our teams, our relationships…and anyone else with a heartbeat, it’s time we own and honor what makes us human – and operate from that place, over and over and over again.  

“Cindy is a gifted coach who has the great ability to listen objectively, support unconditionally, and keep you focused on your ultimate goals. In working with Cindy, I have had confidence and encouragement to enter a new phase of my life with grace, strength and, most important, passion.”